September 2, 2005: Workshop capacity has been reached and registration is now closed.
July 22, 2005:
Registration now open. Information on fees, payment options, and Mohonk Mountain House reservation is
available here.
July 22, 2005: Workshop
Program now available.
July 5, 2005: The notifications of acceptance have been sent out. Please follow
this link for further instructions on the submission of final manuscripts.
June 27, 2005: Due to the unexpectedly large number of submissions (156!) and the
resulting difficult selection process the notification of acceptance
will be sent out on July 5.
May 10, 2005:
Notifications of acceptance will be sent out on June 27. |
Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to submit a revised version
of their manuscript along with supplemental multimedia files until July 29.
However, only minor revisions of the original manuscript, accounting for
suggestions concerning necessary improvements offered by the reviewers and the Publications Chair,
will be accepted. |
April 11, 2005:
Upon submission by April 15, revised manuscripts can be submitted until
April 22.
March 11, 2005:
Online paper submission page
is now open
Febuary 22, 2005:
WASPAA paper kit available for download (.tar.gz,
instructions can be found on the paper submission page
Febuary 11, 2005:
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
James L. Flanagan (Rutgers University) |
Birger Kollmeier (University of Oldenburg) |
Julius O. Smith (Stanford University) |
November 3, 2004: Call for papers in pdf format
October 8, 2004: Call for papers in html
October 8, 2004: Website now open
Historical Websites
WASPAA'03, Gregory H. Wakefield, General Chair
WASPAA'01, Perry Cook, General Chair
WASPAA'99, Matti Karjalainen, General Chair
WASPAA'97, Jont Allen, General Chair
Workshop Committee
General Chair:
Walter Kellermann
Multimedia Communication and Signal Processing
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Cauerstr. 7
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Tel: +49 (9131) 85-27669
Fax: +49 (9131) 85-28849
Technical Program Chair:
Rudolf Rabenstein
Multimedia Communication and Signal Processing
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Michael Brandstein
Information Systems Technology Group
MIT Lincoln Lab, USA
Heinz Teutsch
Multimedia Communication and Signal Processing
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Schuyler Quackenbush
Audio Research Labs, USA
Local Arrangements:
Jingdong Chen
Bell Labs
Lucent Technologies, USA
Ursula Arnold
Multimedia Communication and Signal Processing
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Far East Liaison:
Shoji Makino
NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan