1999 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics

 Mohonk Mountain House
New Paltz, New York
October 17-20, 1999

| Workshop Program | Registration | Mohonk Mountain House | Workshop Committee
 | Call for Papers (ps/pdf) | Templates | Submission Guidelines |

The WASPAA'2001 web pages are now available at http://www.cs.princeton.edu/waspaa01

Welcome to the 1999 Mohonk Workshop! The objective of the two-and-a-half day workshop was to provide an informal environment for the discussion of problems in audio and acoustics and the signal processing techniques applied to these problems. Technical sessions were scheduled in the morning and before and after dinner; the afternoons were left free for outdoor activities or informal meetings among the workshop participants.

Feb. 6, 2001
The WASPAA'2001 Webpages are now available at http://www.cs.princeton.edu/waspaa01

Nov. 11, 1999
Matti Karjalainen has kindly provided us post-workshop information! (photos, list of attendees etc.)

Oct. 21, 1999
The workshop is now over, but please check back to the website soon to find photos and general post-discussion. Many thanks for all the presenters and attendees, WASPAA was a great event once again!

Oct. 5&13, 1999
Attendees and presenters of WASPAA'99, please take a look at the last minute info page for news on presentation facilities etc.

Sept. 8, 1999
The WASPAA'99 workshop program has now been finalized! NOTE that the attendance to the workshop will be limited to approximately 120
persons because of limited available space and accommodation. Please register soon! Most participants stay at the Mohonk Mountain House, where rooms have been reserved for the workshop attendees. Reservations should be made BEFORE September 17, 1999. After this date, reservations will be accepted on a space available basis only. Please check the registrations page for further details and instructions for registrations and hotel reservations.

Aug. 4, 1999
The preliminary workshop program is now available! 

July 13, 1999
The list of accepted papers is now available, the workshop program will be ready soon. Please remember that the early registration deadline is August 17!!! Check the registration page for details and forms.

Mar. 28, 1999
The paper submission deadline has been extended by two weeks to April 15. Please follow the paper preparation and submission guidelines found on these web pages.

Mar. 2, 1999
Registration information and forms are now available! Please check the registration page for detailed information. The form to be faxed/mailed to Bill Gardner (WASPAA'99 treasurer) is available in word97, ps, pdf, and text formats.

Feb. 15, 1999
The template files are now available on the template page. The submission information can be found on the submission guidelines page. Please keep in mind that the deadline for final paper submissions is April 1st!!!

Oct. 31, 1998
The Call for Papers is available now in html, ps, and pdf formats. The important dates for authors are: 

  • Submission deadline of final paper: April 15, 1999 (note the extension!) 
  • Notification of acceptance: June 15, 1999   
The 1999 Workshop will be held at the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, New York. The hotel is located on the shore of Mohonk Lake in the Shawangunk Mountain region of New York, about 90 miles (145 km) north of New York City. This hotel is a popular destination for people escaping the city to enjoy the hilly and forested surroundings. See the registration page for further details on hotel reservations.

This workshop has been held every second year since 1989. Follow these links to the 1995 and 1997 WASPAA workshops.

WASPAA'99 Workshop Committee:

Matti Karjalainen General Chair matti.karjalainen@hut.fi
Jean Laroche Technical Program Chair jeanl@emu.com
Bill Gardner Finance / Registrations billg@media.mit.edu
Michael Goodwin Paper Publications / Publicity mmg@sgi.com
Jyri Huopaniemi Electronic Publications jyri.huopaniemi@nokia.com
Mark Clayton Local Arrangements mark.clayton@sonorus.com

Last modification: October 13, 1999