Workshop Committee General
Technical Program Chair:
Finance / Registrations:
Paper Publications
/ Publicity:
Electronic Publications:
Local Arrangements:
The 1999 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing on Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA'99) will be held at the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, New York. The workshop is sponsored by the Audio & Electroacoustics committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. The objective of the two-and-a-half day workshop is to provide an informal environment for the discussion of problems in audio and acoustics and the signal processing techniques applied to these problems. Technical sessions will be scheduled in the morning and before and after dinner; the afternoons have been left free for outdoor activities or informal meetings among the workshop participants. Papers describing research and new
concepts are solicited for technical sessions on, but not limited to, the
following topics:
Authors may e-mail an attachment containing a postscript or pdf version of their submission directly to the address, or post a floppy disk to the electronic publications chair. We will acknowledge your submission by return email or post. Submissions should include authors' names, addresses, affiliations, electronic mail address, telephone, and facsimile numbers. Papers, that should be in final form, are to be no more than four pages in length. Accepted papers will form the published workshop proceedings. Submissions may contain audio/visual demonstrations that will be included in the CD-ROM Proceedings. For more details and template files, see the web page at or contact the electronic publications chair. The deadlines are: