Paper Preparation and Submission
Please Note: Due to many requests,
the paper submission
deadline for WASPAA 2009 has been extended to
May 15, 2009.
Prospective authors are strongly encouraged to follow
4 steps to prepare and submit a full-length,
four-page paper, including figures and references,
to the WASPAA 2009 Technical Committee. All WASPAA
papers will be handled and reviewed electronically.
Important Deadlines
Submission of Four-Page Paper |
May 15, 2009 |
Notification of Acceptance |
July 15, 2009 |
Quick Links
Step 1: Preparation of the Paper
Templates: In order to help authors
prepare an IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF for submission
to WASPAA 2009, we compiled a list of
guidelines and
put together two paper templates for users of both
LaTeX and Microsoft Word.
These guidelines and templates are modified from
those for ICASSP and past WASPAA workshops, so
an experienced author who has published something
in these conferences/workshops will find it easy to
follow the guidelines and use the templates.
Generate an IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF with
IEEE PDF eXpress is a free, online service
that has been registered by WASPAA 2009. It can
convert your paper to an IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF
from a wide range of application formats including
- LaTeX (put a DVI and supported EPS figure
figure files in a compressed archive, e.g.,
a WinZip file), and
- Microsoft Word,
which are of particular interest to WASPAA authors.
Take the following steps to use the service:
Access the
IEEE PDF eXpress site

First-time users: |
Previous users, but using the IEEE
PDF eXress the first time for
WASPAA 2009: |
Returning users: |
- Click "New Users - Click Here"
- Enter
waspaa2009x for
the "Conference ID," your email address,
and choose a new password. Continue to
enter information as prompted.
- Check that the contact information is
still valid, and click "Submit."
- You will receive online and email
confirmation of successful account setup.
- Enter
waspaa2009x for
the "Conference ID," your email address,
and enter the password you need for your
old account.
- When you click "Login," you will receive
an error saying you need to set up an
account. Simply click "Continue." By
entering your previously used email
address and password combination, you
will enable your old account for access
to WASPAA 2009.
- You will receive online and email
confirmation of successful account setup.
- Enter
waspaa2009x for
the "Conference ID," your email address,
and password.
For each conference paper, click "Create New
Enter identifying text for the paper (title
is recommended but not required).
Click "Submit Source Files for Conversion."
Indicate platform, source file type (if
applicable), click Browse and navigate to
file, and click "Upload File." You will
receive online and email confirmation of
successful upload.
You will receive an email with your IEEE PDF
eXpress-converted PDF attached.
Step 2: Submission of the Paper
Check IEEE Xplore Compatibility using
IEEE PDF eXpress if
you get your PDF with some other tools.
This is required by the
WASPAA 2009 organizing committee before
proceeding further.
Go to our
Paper Submission and Review System (developed
by and follow the instructions there to
upload your PDF file.
Step 3: Submission of Your Copyright Form
After your manuscript is selected for presentation on
the workshop, you must submit a fully completed, signed
IEEE copyright release form, which is available as
a Word file, a PDF file, and an HTML file on the
IEEE website. We must have this form before
your paper can be published in the proceedings.
The copyright form will be sent to the Publications
Chair via fax or postal mail. Details will be announced
after the paper acceptance notification.
Step 4: Preparation of Your Presentation
- Lecture
Presentation time is critical: each paper
is allocated 20 minutes including
question-answering time.
A PC with Windows OS and a projector will
be provided for lecture sessions.
Presenters who want to use this PC for
their presentation should upload their
presentation files to it prior to their sessions.
Presenters who want to use their own laptop
for their presentation should connect their
laptops to a switcher (that will be provided)
during the question-answering time of
the previous presentation.
- Poster
The time for each poster session is 2 hours.
The size of a poster board is 4' x 4'
(1.2m x 1.2m).
The title and author lists of each paper
should be indicated on the top of the poster
board. The presenters are recommended to
make the print easy to read from a distance.
- Demo
The presenters can use a poster board,
electricity outlets, and a chair for
their demonstration. The presenters should
prepare by themselves any other items that
they may need for their demonstration.
The size of a poster board is 4' x 4'
(1.2m x 1.2m).